Harmony Fluid


Tier 1

    Ampoules, Serum


    Sensitive Skin

Product Details

Harmony Fluid supports demanding skin with cell and tissue protecting properties, strengthen the tissue due to its inhibitory effect on tissuedegrading enzymes. Ideal for light-damaged and stressed skin. This skin condition is frequently described as dry and lipid-deficient. The skin profile reveals a conspicuous loss of resilience, is unevenly hornified and has a tendency to form wrinkles prematurely. Panthenol improves the regeneration activity of skin and possesses soothing properties. Harmony Fluid sustainably moisturizes “thirsty” skin. The structure of the hyaluronic acid is vitally important in this case. Whilst long-chain hyaluronic acid forms a protective film on the epidermis, the short-chain hyaluronic acid acts at a deeper level. The vast quantities of moisture which are bound here lead to a genuine lifting effect: the skin is smoothed from the inside out. The added Orange oil has a balancing and harmonizing effect via the sense of smell as aroma therapeutic effect.

Salon Size

25 x 2 ml

Product Preface


Main Active Substance

• Edelweiss Extract: Strong radical protection, protects lipids in cell membrane from damage and strengthens the tissue.
• Hyaluronic acid: Intensively moisturizing and moisture-retaining
• Panthenol: Improves the skin’s regeneration activity, possesses soothing properties, leaves the skin feeling velvety and soft.


Break off the top of the ampoule, using a paper tissue to protect your hands, and pour the entire content of the ampoule into the palm of your hand. Distribute Couperose Fluid over the face and neck and press in gently. Activating massages and extensive rubbing of the reddened areas of skin should always be avoided. For external use only.

Application note: Only apply using iontophoresis if the condition of the skin permits this.