

Tier 1
  • 产品类型

    Body, Massage

  • 皮肤类型



An intact metabolism is the optimal prerequisite for skin with good circulation and a healthy radiance. However, a lack of exercise and constrictive clothing all too frequently prevent unimpeded circulation. Often, inadequate circulation is also a concomitant effect of cellulite. The corresponding areas of the body feel significantly colder than the surrounding tissue. Metabolic exchange is impaired. Good circulation mobilizes the metabolism. This is precisely where effective care treatment in the salon comes into play: Body Toning Model age for a full or partial body massage revitalizes the body’s skin and the underlying tissue. It helps to improve circulation. Just a short while following application, the skin becomes significantly warmer and visibly reddened. Body Toning Model age promotes the skin’s ability to absorb products. Active substances and special care concentrates are better absorbed by the skin.
following pretreatment with Body Toning Model age. This is a particular advantage, especially during cellulite and lifting treatment.

Salon Size

500 ml




• 烟碱酸甲酯: 维生素B6的成分,迅速渗入皮肤并扩张血管,直至出现明显的红肿和热感。

• 酪梨油: 护肤,富含维生素E,抗氧化。

• 荷荷巴油: 来自荷荷巴类橄榄果实的液体蜡,防止皮肤干燥。


如需全身或部分身体护理,请在身体皮肤上涂抹美体再造紧肤乳并进行按摩。 然后洗手。

注意: 循环的增加可能导致强烈的热感和/或瘙痒感。这是完全正常的,不应视为皮肤不耐受。避免接触眼睛和粘膜。请不要进行后续脱毛。