

Tier 1
  • 产品类型


  • 皮肤类型


Retail Size

60 g

Salon Size

100 g


白色、气味宜人的洁面粉,含有纯维生素 C,有效提亮肤色。


• 纯维他命C:抗坏血酸,抑制黑色素成熟

• 由椰子脂肪酸和胺基酸组成的缩合物:基于可补充植物原料的清洁界面活性剂

• 二氧化钛:微细紫外线线过滤因子,保护肌肤免受阳光伤害,提亮肤色。

• 滑石粉:吸收剂

• 矽酮粉末:载体物质


Pour the powder into the palm of your hand and mix with a little water to form a creamy foam. Distribute over the face and neck in the sense of a cleansing massage. Wash off with plenty of water or a moist washing cloth. Apply regularly in the morning and evening to cleanse the skin.

Tip: Above all, “soap fans” who love a creamy foam for cleansing should work the powder into a foam with a little water using a brush. An even more intensive effect is achieved if Melafadin Toner is used to mix the cleansing powder.